Decentralized Autonomous Organizations And The Future of the Internet.

A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is an organization that exists on a blockchain, typically as a set of smart contracts. A DAO’s financial transaction record and program rules are maintained on a blockchain.Decentralized Autonomous Organizations And The Future of the Internet In my recent book here on, I touched upon some recent data showing how blockchainContinue reading “Decentralized Autonomous Organizations And The Future of the Internet.”

The CDC Released a New Update for Masking Policies 

By: Hezekiah Ortiz  The Center for Disease Control allows us ‘be maskless’ for indoor public spaces following a steady drop in COVID-19 Cases.  November of 2021 was marked by a slip when the CDC loosened mask policies before Omicron hit the United States. But, now that hospital metrics show a stellar decrease in coronavirus admission,Continue reading The CDC Released a New Update for Masking Policies 

Modern Mind System with Futuristic Technologies

Author: Professor(Dr.) Sanjay Rout In the present computerized time, we might be quick to understand a superior comprehension of the regular world and of the development of the human cerebrum, however we actually have far to go. In this article we tackle this test by concentrating on the development in an organic manner. We firstContinue reading “Modern Mind System with Futuristic Technologies”

Ancient Technology & Modern Technology Blend on Brain Healing Science

Author: Professor (Dr.) Sanjay Rout We all are currently living in contemporary technological epoch. Spiritual and healing is always a part of human societal, mental & professional development. The spiritual industry is a term used to describe the businesses and industries that are involved in providing spiritual and mental health services to the public. PreviouslyContinue reading “Ancient Technology & Modern Technology Blend on Brain Healing Science”

Are we actualy growning?

I got a job recently. For more than two years, I had been unemployed. Does this mean the world is getting back on track? I do not know. I live in Cancún, México. As many people know, Latin America has had its bad share in this pandemic. According to data from the CEPAL (Economic CommissionContinue reading “Are we actualy growning?”

As the Pandemic continues, Prices Raise

Author: Hezekiah Ortiz Translator: Dacia Sosa Rosiles I live in Cancún, Mexico, and I have been seeing a surge in prices like never before. This is especially true for food, going to the grocery store has become a roller coaster experience. Whether it is the cheese, or tortillas, or avocados, or tomatoes, prices are goingContinue reading “As the Pandemic continues, Prices Raise”

What does Independence day mean to different countries?

authors: Sandra Castro, Serafina Paladino, Aron D, Lynn Felicia Mbeiza translation: Selina Zhao Italy’s Independence Day 意大利独立日 It was difficult to choose one particular day or celebration that represents Italian independence in its entirety, and so I have decided to focus on Liberation Day, referred to as “Festa della liberazione” in Italy. Liberation Day, alsoContinue reading “What does Independence day mean to different countries?”

Menstrual Poverty

Author: Sandra de Castro Translator: Paulo Ventura Every month, the female body prepares for pregnancy: the endometrium, mucous membrane that lines the uterine wall internally, thickens for fertilization to occur. When there is no fertilization, the endometrium flakes off, and this flaking is a liquid fluid that comes out of the birth canal. This physiologicalContinue reading “Menstrual Poverty”

Nigeria’s Twitter Ban: A Step Away From Democracy

Author: Halim Blessing Ebube Translator: Kazeem Rabiu The Nigerian Government is threatening to rid its people of a source of both public opinion and income by banning the social media app, Twitter, permanently. On June 5th, 2021, the app became unaccessible to its almost 40 million Nigerian users. The ban came days after Nigerian President,Continue reading “Nigeria’s Twitter Ban: A Step Away From Democracy”

California Governor Gavin Newsom is Under Recall

Author: Jasmine Cuza Translator: Eugenia Avellaneda The 2021 gubernatorial recall election of California. Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to be held in November. Though, there is a high chance that this event can be held as early as August. This is the 54th attempt in California election history to remove a governor from office. InContinue reading “California Governor Gavin Newsom is Under Recall”

Foy Vance: Sapling – Single Review

Author: Aron Debreceni Foy Vance dropped his latest single ‘Sapling’ on Friday, 27 May 2021, which will be included in his upcoming album Signs of Life. It will be released later this year. ‘Sapling’ is a tune that also has the folky attributes that fans may have already heard in the artist’s earlier songs. However,Continue reading “Foy Vance: Sapling – Single Review”

Let’s Celebrate! Juneteenth Is Here!

Author: Cameron Smith Translator: Janvi Bhanushali It is official, the oldest holiday commemorating the ending of slavery has returned, but this time with a more solidified front. With everything transpiring, this day seems to have the world holding its breath, but at the same time its rememberance reminds Americans alike that while slavery has ended,Continue reading “Let’s Celebrate! Juneteenth Is Here!”

June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness

Author: Sandra de Castro Translator: Andrés Molina “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” were prolific words of Martin Luther King Jr. A  terrifying issue that has worsened with the COVID-19 pandemic  is the bullying against the elderly community.  A person sixty years and older is considered elderly. Being professionally active leads to greaterContinue reading “June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness”

Culture and Lifestyle: How to approach a different language? 如果接触一门新的语言?

Authors: Debby Yin, Yanan Zhou Translation: Hebe Liu 在当下世界多元化发展的情况下,语言的交流成为了我们生活中必不可少的一部分。但当你身处异国他乡之时,却难以避免语言交流之间的障碍和尴尬,所以这时第二语言或者小语种的掌握就显得极其重要。 In a world full of diversity, the communication through languages becomes an indispensable part of our lives. To overcome the language barrier, mastering another language show is significance. 我对于小语种的学习其实是偶然的。因为我自己平时喜欢去听些歌剧或者音乐剧,有时原版的音乐剧或者是原版的音频没有字幕或翻译,就会造成语言不通导致无法理解他的含义,所以当时我萌生了去学习小语种的想法。学习小语种是一个异常艰难的事,对于小语种的学习我有如下建议: My studying a second language was a beautiful accident. I enjoy listening to operas and musicals, soContinue reading “Culture and Lifestyle: How to approach a different language? 如果接触一门新的语言?”

Culture&Lifestyle: 有趣的心理学现象介绍(上):二十一世纪西方文化三大发现 Interesting psychological effects: Three discoveries of western culture in the 21st century

Author: Scarlett Wu Translation: Iris Zhao 墨菲定律  Murphy’s law 墨菲定律其中的一条准则表明:“只要一件事有变化的可能,随着重复次数增加,它必然会出现。” 即,如果在某件事物上仍有蒙尘的死角,事故爆发的可能性经过累积,就必然会爆发。 2003年,美国“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机即将返回地面的时候,在得克萨斯州中部地区上空出了事故,导致航天飞机上6名宇航员全部遇难,其中包括首位进入太空的以色列宇航员拉蒙。该事故也充分印证了墨菲定律—这种复杂的系统出事是不可避免的,不是在今天,就是在明天,出现事故也是合情合理的。 One of the principles of Murphy’s Law states: “As long as something has the potential to change, it will appear as the number of repetitions increases.” That means, if there is still a possibility for something, an accident will inevitably break out after accumulationContinue reading “Culture&Lifestyle: 有趣的心理学现象介绍(上):二十一世纪西方文化三大发现 Interesting psychological effects: Three discoveries of western culture in the 21st century”

February holidays around the world 二月世界各地的节日

Authors: Sika Zhu, Fiona Zou, Amber Zhang, Nina Luo, Connie Kang Translation: Mingway Li Valentine’s Day 情人节 Lovers’ Day, also known as Valentine’s Day or Saint Valentine’s Day, is celebrated on the 14 th of February every year. It is a traditional western festival deriving from Christianity. Nowadays, it enjoys a worldwide popularity as aContinue reading “February holidays around the world 二月世界各地的节日”

Features: Chinese New Year Celebration 回忆春节

@Fiona Zou 2021的新年我是和父母在古北水镇度过的。除夕前一天我们就离开家住进了酒店,在酒店里过了新年。在我的记忆中,小时候,我们都会与在北京的亲戚一起,一边吃年夜饭一边看春晚,被屋外的鞭炮声吵得整夜睡不着觉。而今年,我们甚至都没有在除夕的晚上好好吃一顿饭,春晚也变得越来越不好看,如今的北京更是彻底地禁止了鞭炮。这么看,我的新年确实不那么具有“年味“了,但那却是一段非常美好的、与家人认真相聚的时光。不管”年味“是什么,这样对我来说就已经足够了。    This year, my parents and I spent the Spring Festival at Gubei Water Town in Beijing. We checked into the hotel one day before New Year’s Eve and stayed there for New Year’s Day. In my memories as a child, we would watch the Spring Festival Gala while having a reunion dinnerContinue reading “Features: Chinese New Year Celebration 回忆春节”

上阳赋与中国中年女演员的困境 Shang Yang Fu Review: the dilemmas that Chinese actresses face

Author: Scarlett Wu Translation: Elisa Chen 《上阳赋》是2021年1月9日播出的一部古装历史剧。由于宣传时对服化道的大力吹捧和女主角章子怡的名气,这部剧虽获得了极高的收视率,但其评分却差强人意,甚至被《北京晚报》评为“神话幻灭”“玛丽苏”…… Shang Yang Fu(上阳赋) is a period drama that aired on Jan 9, 2021. Due to the popularity of the costume makeup and props and the leading actress Zhang Ziy, the show immediately received many views. Although the drama has obtained high television audience measurement, its score is notContinue reading “上阳赋与中国中年女演员的困境 Shang Yang Fu Review: the dilemmas that Chinese actresses face”

秋裤及其改进建议 Thermal Leggings and improvement suggestions

In China, people wear what is called “Qiuku”—thermal leggings that help protect people from the cold. Similar to leggings, thermal leggings are usually tight clothing that people wear; and similar to sweatpants, people can go to sleep with “Qiuku” on. Have you heard of thermal leggings before? Do only Chinese people wearing thermal leggings? WhenContinue reading “秋裤及其改进建议 Thermal Leggings and improvement suggestions”

网红店的思考 Opinion: Thoughts on the Internet-famous shops and restaurants

Author: Sika Zhu Translation: Mingway Li 我手机里有个app,它的名字叫 小红书 我知道它里面的东西很大一部分都有水分,但是就是蛮喜欢看看这些赏心悦目的照片的,看着看着也就开始预备买这个买那个,去各种网红店打卡了。 There is an app on my phone called “Xiao Hong Shu” (little red book). Although I’m well aware that most information on this app is somehow “useless”, I enjoy scrolling through delicate pictures, and I am always prepared to buy products or visit those “online-sensational” or better put, Xiao-Hong-Shu-famous shops and restaurants. 体制内的高中生朋友都知道,我们刚刚结束学业水平测试,我们这要命的学校给咱放了半天假,于是,我就拉着我爸妈一起去某网红店打卡了。 As most Chinese students know, we just finished the academic proficiency test, so when we finally got a break for half a day, I dragged my parents to visit one of the Xiao-Hong-Shu famous places. 这家店呢,是十分典型的北欧简约性冷淡风,吃饭的地方还用玻璃隔出了一块地方,里面放了点龟背竹仙人掌之类,还有一架钢琴。我妈喊服务员来推荐推荐菜品,服务员非常诚恳地告诉我们,这个这个和这个,拍照很好看。 The shop was decorated in a typical Northern European style, which looks simplistic with cold-tone colours. A piece of glass was placed between the dining area and some monsteras and cactuses. A piano stood there as well.  My mother consulted a waitress about recommended dishes and got a sincere answer— “this, this and this. Very nice dishes for taking pictures.” 我当然点了拍照很好看的菜,等了好久,它们终于千呼万唤始出来了,那个拍照很好看的菜,有点凉了。 Of course, without any hesitation I ordered the food which was “good for talking pictures .” After a long time waiting, the food came out, almost cold.  我承认那顿饭真的很不值,那屋采光不好,那天还是阴天,导致我拍的照片很丑,虽然我看见了一对小情侣,一直在拍照片,女孩子捧着碟子让男朋友拍了很久很久。网红店里当然不只我们这么大的带着闺蜜来,也有带着娃来的闺蜜们,娃娃们在餐厅里横冲直撞,玩的很开心,当然,菜也很一般,还无比的贵,我亏到家了。 I have to admit that it was not a worthy meal. Because of bad lighting, the pictures I took were nothing like the pictures I saw on the app, not to mention that the cloudyContinue reading “网红店的思考 Opinion: Thoughts on the Internet-famous shops and restaurants”

音乐类非物质文化遗产 Chinese music: introducing different traditional cultural heritage

Authors: Ashley Pan, Flora Jia, and Amber Zhang translation: Echo Wang 昆曲 Kunqu author: Ashley Pan 昆曲源于元末明初。元朝后期,南戏流经江苏昆山一带,与当地语音和音乐相结合,经昆山音乐家顾坚的改进,初见昆曲雏形。明嘉靖十年至二十年间,魏良辅总结北曲演唱的艺术成就,吸取海盐、弋阳等唱腔的长处,对昆腔加以改革,从而建立了委婉细腻的昆腔歌唱体系。万历末,昆腔传入北京,成为全国性剧种,被称为“官腔”。昆曲念白具有地方特色,以中州官话为唱说语言,整体格调富有中国古典文学的气韵。昆曲作为一种歌、舞、介、白各种表演形式相融合的综合艺术,以鼓、板控制演唱节奏,曲笛、三弦等为主要伴奏乐器,糅合了唱念做打、舞蹈及武术等艺术形式,生动展现曲中人、曲中事。昆曲是我国传统戏曲中最古老的剧种之一,很多剧种都是在昆剧的基础上发展起来的,有 “中国戏曲之母”的雅称,在我国文学史、戏曲史、音乐史、舞蹈史上占有重要的地位。 Kunqu originated in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasty. During the late Yuan Dynasty, southern opera spread to Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. It was combined with the local dialect and music. With the improvement of Kunshan musicianContinue reading “音乐类非物质文化遗产 Chinese music: introducing different traditional cultural heritage”

Lifestyle: How to make sugarcoated haws 如何制作冰糖葫芦

Author: Amber Zhang Translation: Scarlett Wu 老北京糖葫芦是北京的一个优秀的传统美食。酸酸甜甜,清脆爽口。每每到了冬天的时候,一串酸甜可口的糖葫芦不仅可以融化口腔获得幸福还可以在隆冬收获满满的幸福。老北京糖葫芦的制作方式如下: Sugarcoated haws, a kind of sour, sweet, crisp, and refreshing snack, are an excellent traditional delicacy in Beijing. When it comes to winter, a string of sweet and sour haws can not only melt in the mouth but also harvest lots of happiness in the middle of winter.Continue reading “Lifestyle: How to make sugarcoated haws 如何制作冰糖葫芦”

冬天节日盘点之冬至的来源和传统 Winter holidays and traditions: Winter Solstice

Author: Amber Zhang, Connie Kang Translation: Jane Zhang 冬至,又称日短至、冬节、亚岁,不仅仅是二十四节气之一,还是中国民间的传统节日。古人认为,冬至是阴阳二气的自然转化,是上天赐予的福气。因此冬至还有着“冬至大如年”的说法。 Winter solstice, also known as short-day solstice, winter festival, and Asian year old, is not only one of the 24 solar terms, but also a traditional folk festival in China. The ancients believed that the winter solstice was the natural transformation of Yin and Yang, andContinue reading “冬天节日盘点之冬至的来源和传统 Winter holidays and traditions: Winter Solstice”

文化之我和冬至的故事 Culture: My story with the Winter Solstice Festival

Story 1 Author: Eric He Translation: Iris Zhao 冬至吃饺子是中国的传统习俗,我们家总是坚持这种习俗。 Eating dumplings at the Winter Solstice Festival is a traditional Chinese custom that my family always participates in. 在冬至前两天,我们家就要开始准备包饺子了。我们家包饺子一般会有两种馅儿,一种是猪肉白菜馅儿,一种是羊肉胡萝卜馅儿。爸爸和姥爷偏爱吃猪肉白菜饺子。而妈妈和我偏爱吃羊肉胡萝卜饺子,姥姥不挑食,两种都爱吃。 Two days before the festival, my family starts to prepare the dumplings. Usually, there will be two different kinds of stuffings: one is made from pork andContinue reading “文化之我和冬至的故事 Culture: My story with the Winter Solstice Festival”

冬天节日盘点之圣诞节的来源和传统 Winter holidays and traditions: Christmas

圣诞节是一些国家的人为了纪念耶稣出生而设立的节日。据说耶稣是因着圣灵成孕,由圣母玛利亚所生的。神便派遣使者加伯列在梦中告诉约瑟,叫他不要因为玛利亚未婚怀孕而不要她,反而要与她成亲,把那孩子起名为“耶稣”,意思是要他把百姓从罪恶中解救出来。 Christmas, the originally pagan holiday, was “adopted” by Abrahamic religions to commemorate the birth of Jesus. It is said that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was given birth by the Blessed Virgin Mary. God thus sent an envoy, Gabriel, to tell Joseph not to leave Mary alone because of her premaritalContinue reading “冬天节日盘点之圣诞节的来源和传统 Winter holidays and traditions: Christmas”

我与圣诞节的故事—助人为乐的意义 My Christmas Story: A Small Act of Kindness

由于我来美国晚,骨子里并没有为圣诞而欢欣的感觉。然而在我为数不多的、留美过圣诞的日子里,的确发生过一件比较难忘的事。 Because I was much older when I came to the US, I always felt numb to the western tradition of Christmas. However, in the few days that I spent Christmas whilst in the states, I experienced an unforgettable event. 那是某年圣诞,我和我妈在某个非著名雪山上开车观景。车程前半段的时候,我心里并无太大波动。山下雪不大,而我小时候又在北京生活,这样的雪是见得到的。轻薄的一层雪,只稍微盖住了林地,如若覆盖在长势颇猛的杂草上,就变成了突兀的一块白。 On Christmas, my mother and I were driving up a snowy mountain for sightseeing.Continue reading “我与圣诞节的故事—助人为乐的意义 My Christmas Story: A Small Act of Kindness”

王阳明纪念馆之哲学思想探索:“知行合一”的现实意义 Wang’s philosophy: “The unity of Inner knowledge and action”

Author/Translation/Photography: Sunny Yu 王阳明简介 An introduction of Wang Yangming 王守仁(1472年10月31日-1529年1月9日),幼名云,字伯安,别号阳明,浙江余姚人,汉族,明代思想家、哲学家、文学家兼军事家、教育家。阳明学是明朝中晚期的主流学说之一,后传于日本,对日本及东亚都有较大影响。阳明心学是中国思想文化史上的重要学说之一。阳明心学不是唯心之学,也不仅仅是心理之学,而是中国古代思想家既强调道法自然,又主张天人合一,更重视人的主观能动性等一系列哲学思想之集大成,通过心即理、知行合一、致良知等核心概念实现了理论与实践的统一、主体与客体的统一和内圣与外王的统一。站在今天新的历史方位上,传承发扬阳明心学,有着重大的理论价值和现实意义。本文的配图拍摄于阳明洞,是王阳明曾居住过的地方并在此悟出“心即理”这一重要心学思想,标志着“阳明心学”的诞生。在王阳明的众多思想中,“知行合一”是其中的一个代表。(百度百科) Wang Shouren (October 31, 1472 to January 9, 1529) was born in Yuyao, Zhejiang. He was a prestigious thinker, philosopher, writer, strategist and educator in the Ming Dynasty. Yangming school was one of the mainstream theories in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. It laterContinue reading “王阳明纪念馆之哲学思想探索:“知行合一”的现实意义 Wang’s philosophy: “The unity of Inner knowledge and action””

Let’s get this bread! Feeding Notes–the Bread edition

喂食记之面包 Feeding Notes:Breads  From the editors While people spend most of the time quarantined at home, the Unknown started a new series of “Feeding” articles that feature recipes of different cultural cuisines, dishes, and snacks. Last time, our editor Celina introduced us to the recipe of rosemary roasted chicken leg with waterfall mashed potatoes asContinue reading “Let’s get this bread! Feeding Notes–the Bread edition”

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