Decoding Economy

Indian Economy covers various aspects of the Indian Economy including its problems along with suggested solutions. This book is a compilation of research done by students who were sensitized by news articles related to the contemporary Indian Economy. There is a wonderful book written by Goenkans. This book is a amazing steps  to help theContinue reading “Decoding Economy”

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations And The Future of the Internet.

A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is an organization that exists on a blockchain, typically as a set of smart contracts. A DAO’s financial transaction record and program rules are maintained on a blockchain.Decentralized Autonomous Organizations And The Future of the Internet In my recent book here on, I touched upon some recent data showing how blockchainContinue reading “Decentralized Autonomous Organizations And The Future of the Internet.”

The CDC Released a New Update for Masking Policies 

By: Hezekiah Ortiz  The Center for Disease Control allows us ‘be maskless’ for indoor public spaces following a steady drop in COVID-19 Cases.  November of 2021 was marked by a slip when the CDC loosened mask policies before Omicron hit the United States. But, now that hospital metrics show a stellar decrease in coronavirus admission,Continue reading The CDC Released a New Update for Masking Policies 

Modern Mind System with Futuristic Technologies

Author: Professor(Dr.) Sanjay Rout In the present computerized time, we might be quick to understand a superior comprehension of the regular world and of the development of the human cerebrum, however we actually have far to go. In this article we tackle this test by concentrating on the development in an organic manner. We firstContinue reading “Modern Mind System with Futuristic Technologies”

Ancient Technology & Modern Technology Blend on Brain Healing Science

Author: Professor (Dr.) Sanjay Rout We all are currently living in contemporary technological epoch. Spiritual and healing is always a part of human societal, mental & professional development. The spiritual industry is a term used to describe the businesses and industries that are involved in providing spiritual and mental health services to the public. PreviouslyContinue reading “Ancient Technology & Modern Technology Blend on Brain Healing Science”

Are we actualy growning?

I got a job recently. For more than two years, I had been unemployed. Does this mean the world is getting back on track? I do not know. I live in Cancún, México. As many people know, Latin America has had its bad share in this pandemic. According to data from the CEPAL (Economic CommissionContinue reading “Are we actualy growning?”

As the Pandemic continues, Prices Raise

Author: Hezekiah Ortiz Translator: Dacia Sosa Rosiles I live in Cancún, Mexico, and I have been seeing a surge in prices like never before. This is especially true for food, going to the grocery store has become a roller coaster experience. Whether it is the cheese, or tortillas, or avocados, or tomatoes, prices are goingContinue reading “As the Pandemic continues, Prices Raise”

Josh Lippi & The Overtimers – “Just Fine” Clip Premiere

Author: Aron Debreceni “Just Fine” is the latest single by L.A.-based Josh Lippi & The Overtimers, and its official music video landed on August 2. Initially, it is one of the included tracks on Josh’s EP “In Quarantine”, which is a live acoustic record and it was originally released on the 19th of March thisContinue reading “Josh Lippi & The Overtimers – “Just Fine” Clip Premiere”

What You Need to Know About Body Types

Author: Blessing Ebube Translator: Andrés Molina Knowing your body type is extremely important for you, especially when you’re trying a new diet or exercising. Somatotypes (physique/body build) are divided into three:  ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph. You can take various quizzes online to find out which body type you have, or go to a lab andContinue reading “What You Need to Know About Body Types”

Representation and Contribution of Muslim Women in Media: Interview with Journalist Anira Khokhar

Author: Eman Khalid Translator: Paulo Ventura Muslim women in media have been victims of stereotypes for decades and are constantly viewed as oppressed, feeble, and uneducated.  One of the most deranging characteristics of Muslim women’s representation in the media is the lack of presence for Muslim scientists, doctors, entrepreneurs, photographers, political leaders, nurses, postgraduates, andContinue reading “Representation and Contribution of Muslim Women in Media: Interview with Journalist Anira Khokhar”

Bad Owl Records – Watch Me Go EP

Bad Owl Records (U.S.) released a new EP Watch Me Go on July 23. The record is exceptional because it was compiled through the collaboration between artists and minds who are representatives of the independent record label. The EP consists of three tracks rich with powerful, exuberant vocals by female voices accompanied by electronics andContinue reading “Bad Owl Records – Watch Me Go EP”

Big Picture, Life After High School

Author: Eman Khalid New beginnings can be difficult, they can also be exciting. They can be nerve-wracking, and they can also be scary. As high school students, when a chapter of an individual’s life is over and they step into a completely new chapter, one that they’re completely unfamiliar with, the uncertainty can often makeContinue reading “Big Picture, Life After High School”

Perfectparachutepicture – White Walls – EP Review

Author: Aron DebreceniTranslator: Sara AL-Tahri If you are eager to listen to some heavy rock tunes to cut loose during this summer, then the next one might be of interest to you. The Sheffield-based alternative/noise-rock duo, Perfectparachutepicture (Edward James & Kyle Ernest), released their new EP White Walls on July 2nd.  The record was madeContinue reading “Perfectparachutepicture – White Walls – EP Review”

José González – ‘Head On’ – Single Review

Author: Aron Debreceni Translator: Natalia Marín ‘Head On’ was released on June 9, and is the second single of Swedish-born singer-songwriter, José González . It will be included in his upcoming album, Local Valley, that is set to be released later this year in September. ‘Head On’ has all the attributes sonically that his earlyContinue reading “José González – ‘Head On’ – Single Review”

Menstrual Poverty

Author: Sandra de Castro Translator: Paulo Ventura Every month, the female body prepares for pregnancy: the endometrium, mucous membrane that lines the uterine wall internally, thickens for fertilization to occur. When there is no fertilization, the endometrium flakes off, and this flaking is a liquid fluid that comes out of the birth canal. This physiologicalContinue reading “Menstrual Poverty”

Nigeria’s Twitter Ban: A Step Away From Democracy

Author: Halim Blessing Ebube Translator: Kazeem Rabiu The Nigerian Government is threatening to rid its people of a source of both public opinion and income by banning the social media app, Twitter, permanently. On June 5th, 2021, the app became unaccessible to its almost 40 million Nigerian users. The ban came days after Nigerian President,Continue reading “Nigeria’s Twitter Ban: A Step Away From Democracy”

California Governor Gavin Newsom is Under Recall

Author: Jasmine Cuza Translator: Eugenia Avellaneda The 2021 gubernatorial recall election of California. Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to be held in November. Though, there is a high chance that this event can be held as early as August. This is the 54th attempt in California election history to remove a governor from office. InContinue reading “California Governor Gavin Newsom is Under Recall”

Foy Vance: Sapling – Single Review

Author: Aron Debreceni Foy Vance dropped his latest single ‘Sapling’ on Friday, 27 May 2021, which will be included in his upcoming album Signs of Life. It will be released later this year. ‘Sapling’ is a tune that also has the folky attributes that fans may have already heard in the artist’s earlier songs. However,Continue reading “Foy Vance: Sapling – Single Review”

Unintended consequences of containment measures: students locked on campus 封闭政策预料之外的后果:高校学生被困

Liu is a student from Beijing Normal University in Beijing, China. Now, it has been almost five months since she returned to campus, also meaning that she has been stuck in the confined environment for a long period of time. 刘同学是北京师范大学的一名学生。现在距离她回到学校已经快五个月了,同时意味着她被困在学校里面已经这么久了。 Liu returned on campus on March 1st as a student leader and teaching assistant.Continue reading “Unintended consequences of containment measures: students locked on campus 封闭政策预料之外的后果:高校学生被困”

The ways COVID-19 and ongoing protests affect minority groups

The ways COVID-19 and ongoing protests affect minority groups COVID-19和美国近期的抗议活动对少数族裔群体的影响 The coronavirus has waged a war against humanity, with cases rising each day. Unfortunately, the pandemic seems to affect minorities the most. In particular, it seems to be affecting Hispanic and Black communities the most. According to the Center of Disease Control (CDC), a recentContinue reading “The ways COVID-19 and ongoing protests affect minority groups”

Features: How the Coronavirus Pandemic is Killing the Travel Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent quarantine have turned people’s lives upside down, but beyond the daily changes, the coronavirus has made waves in the economy. Namely, it has devastated cruises, hotels, and airlines.  Unsurprisingly, the travel industry has seriously suffered from the pandemic. As shown by this graph, internationally, US spending on the cruise,Continue reading “Features: How the Coronavirus Pandemic is Killing the Travel Industry”

Photo Gallery: the Beijing under recovery 慢慢在从疫情中复苏的北京

在疫情之下,很多北京标志性的旅游景点也被“隔离”了,游客只能从外面瞥见景点的风景。尽管这些旅游景点还关闭着,北京,我们热爱的城市,已经有了复苏的征兆—繁荣忙碌的城市正在回来,有趣的旅程在等待着我们。这些照片集锦收集了北京城区的容貌,并展现了疫情下的持续性和改变:尽管什刹海还没开放,人们可以从佩戴着口罩的路人,工作者,和居民重看出北京已经在慢慢积攒活力,迎接复苏。 Under the pandemic, various signature sites of Beijing had been under their own “quarantine”, leaving tourists with an empty glimpse from the outside. Despite the inaccessibility to these places, Beijing, our beloved city, is showing signs of recovery again—the prosperous and busy city is coming back, and fun adventures outside the house await. TheContinue reading “Photo Gallery: the Beijing under recovery 慢慢在从疫情中复苏的北京”

What a video tells about the extreme stress young adults face

Features: What a video tells about the extreme stress young adults face 疫情之下,普通人面对的生活压力 这场已经持续了三个多月的疫情给我们的生活带来了许多的冲击,而其中最具威胁性的就是经济压力。对于工作不稳定的年轻人来说,这场疫情有着更大的打击。光从视频网站增多的“失业”vlog就可以看出疫情对人们工作的影响。 The ongoing pandemic is like a machine gun that has been attacking all our lives for the past three months. One of the many threats posed by the pandemic is the economic pressure. For young adults without stable jobs, the pandemicContinue reading “What a video tells about the extreme stress young adults face”

High school students continue to thrive in online classrooms

High school students continue to thrive in online classrooms despite COVID-19 疫情中逆风生长的少年 For most high school students, it is hard to imagine a day when ordinary class interactions with friends and teachers are interrupted, when afterschool activities were replaced by stay-home routines, and when going to school becomes an urge and hope for many. TheContinue reading “High school students continue to thrive in online classrooms”

COVID-19 and China’s Growingly Bitter Beekeeping Industry

COVID-19 and China’s Growingly Bitter Beekeeping Industry 新冠状病毒与中国愈加苦涩的养蜂行业          To Americans, Spring this year is no longer a time for the usual celebration of groundhog day. Rather, we are bracing ourselves for the overwhelming damage wreaked by COVID-19.  对于美国人来说,今年的春天不像以往庆祝土拨鼠日之后的欣欣向荣。相反,我们咬紧牙关来迎战COVID-19造成的灾难性危害。         For beekeepers in China, the arrival of COVID-19 brings upon a double death sentence both for theirContinue reading “COVID-19 and China’s Growingly Bitter Beekeeping Industry”

The impact of COVID-19 on the life of the elderly

新冠肺炎疫情对老年群体生活上的影响 The impact of COVID-19 on the life of the elderly 时至今日,全球爆发了新冠状病毒,在中国最先被“袭击”后,病毒席卷了各个大洲,美国、意大利、法国、西班牙疫情尤为严峻。在今天4月12日,世界累计确诊1704144例中国累计确认人数83485人,而美国确诊人数已经高达48万。好在我国在政府严加管理、各地医疗队员协助下,武汉结束了76天的封城,全国各地确诊人数有明显的下降趋势,大家开始复工复产,逐渐回归正常。 Now, COVID-19 has broke out globally. After China was first “attacked”, the virus has now swept across all continents. The pandemic in the US, Italy, France, and Spain is particularly severe. By April 12, there had been a total of 1,704,144 confirmed casesContinue reading “The impact of COVID-19 on the life of the elderly”

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