Decoding Economy

Indian Economy covers various aspects of the Indian Economy including its problems along with suggested solutions. This book is a compilation of research done by students who were sensitized by news articles related to the contemporary Indian Economy. There is a wonderful book written by Goenkans. This book is a amazing steps  to help theContinue reading “Decoding Economy”

DCentral Miami – Where NFTs Roam

Cryptocurrency, NFTs, Binance (BSC), what is this new jargon? This is the future of the world and currency more than likely, this is not something I write or tell anyone in hopes of changing their mind. It is the trend that is actively being witnessed as more people invest into cryptocurrency and into the artContinue reading “DCentral Miami – Where NFTs Roam”

World Mental Health Day

Author: Sandra de Castro The creation of World Mental Health Day was a project by Richard C. Hunter when he worked at the World Federation for Mental Health, and raised issues hitherto stigmatized by society: depression, dementia, schizophrenia, among other mental illnesses that, the sooner diagnosed , the greater the chances that people will treat.Continue reading “World Mental Health Day”

World Heritage Brazilian Church Receive the Title of Sanctuary Today

Author: Sandra de Castro Graphic: Sandra de Castro Considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 2016, the is located in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte, and today, October 4, 2021, it will receive the title of Archdiocesan Sanctuary of São Francisco de Assis. The change in status from Church to Sanctuary means thatContinue reading “World Heritage Brazilian Church Receive the Title of Sanctuary Today”

Olivia Vedder, Eddie Vedder & Glen Hansard- “My Father’s Daughter”- Review

Author: Aron Debreceniron As part of Sean Penn’s ‘Flag Day’ soundtrack, ‘My Father’s Daughter’ is a new original song born by Eddie Vedder and Glen Hansard, featuring Olivia Vedder on vocals. It was released on August 16, a couple of days before of the movie’s premiere. The narrative of the movie is built around theContinue reading “Olivia Vedder, Eddie Vedder & Glen Hansard- “My Father’s Daughter”- Review”

Nigeria’s Twitter Ban: A Step Away From Democracy

Author: Halim Blessing Ebube Translator: Kazeem Rabiu The Nigerian Government is threatening to rid its people of a source of both public opinion and income by banning the social media app, Twitter, permanently. On June 5th, 2021, the app became unaccessible to its almost 40 million Nigerian users. The ban came days after Nigerian President,Continue reading “Nigeria’s Twitter Ban: A Step Away From Democracy”

California Governor Gavin Newsom is Under Recall

Author: Jasmine Cuza Translator: Eugenia Avellaneda The 2021 gubernatorial recall election of California. Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to be held in November. Though, there is a high chance that this event can be held as early as August. This is the 54th attempt in California election history to remove a governor from office. InContinue reading “California Governor Gavin Newsom is Under Recall”

June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness

Author: Sandra de Castro Translator: Andrés Molina “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” were prolific words of Martin Luther King Jr. A  terrifying issue that has worsened with the COVID-19 pandemic  is the bullying against the elderly community.  A person sixty years and older is considered elderly. Being professionally active leads to greaterContinue reading “June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness”

COVID-19 Outbreak in India: Causes and Impacts 印度疫情爆发的原因和后果

Scarlett Wu, Aurélie Maroun, Mbeiza Lynn Felicia Translation: Hebe Liu The death toll in the largest drug producers in the world, India, due to the Covid-19 virus is deafening. It’s really hard to social distance in a country with so many citizens and large families under one roof. What is shocking though is that IndiaContinue reading “COVID-19 Outbreak in India: Causes and Impacts 印度疫情爆发的原因和后果”

Opinion: “辣笔小球”及公知的发展The development of the “public intellectual”

“辣笔小球”及公知的发展 Labixiaoqiu and the development of public intellectual author: Scarlett Wu translation: Elisa Chen   近日,网友仇子明在新浪微博上发表的诋毁、诬陷、侮辱烈士英雄言论,引起了网友的关注和反感。事件发酵后,该账号“辣笔小球”立刻被禁言一年,持有的另一个账号“球夜行”也被一同关闭。2月20 日,南京警方发布通报:仇子明因在微博上发布恶意歪曲事实真相,诋毁贬损5名卫国戍边英雄官兵的违法言论,仇子明被警方以涉嫌寻衅滋事罪刑事拘留。 Recently, Qiu Ziming’s comments on Sina Weibo, which slandered and insulted martyrs and heroes, have aroused netizens’ concern and disgust. After the incident went viral, his account, “Labixiaoqiu”, was immediately banned for one year. His other account “Qiuyexing” wasContinue reading “Opinion: “辣笔小球”及公知的发展The development of the “public intellectual””

Global News: 新国际形势下的中印走向 How China-India relations can come back to rationality

Author: Amy Xu Translation: Elisa Chen  “火力全开”的加勒万河谷冲突事件还在持续中,中印两方已经先后举行了多轮军长级会谈,双方围绕两国一线部队在中印边界西段实控线地区脱离接触深入交换了意见,力争早日恢复中印边境的和平与安宁。 The conflict in the Galvan Valley is still in full fire. China and India have held several rounds of ministerial talks and had in-depth exchanges of views on the disengagement of front-line troops of the two countries along the Line of Actual Control in the western section ofContinue reading “Global News: 新国际形势下的中印走向 How China-India relations can come back to rationality”

Global News: 方洋洋案引起人们对社会问题的关注 The Fang Yangyang case raises awareness of social issues

Author: Scarlett Wu Translation: Elisa Chen 方洋洋,生于1997年1月12日,死于2019年1月31日。先天智力缺陷的她,虽然早早辍学,但却因父亲老来得女而成了掌上明珠。那样鲜活的姑娘,却因为婆家的无知粗暴,仅仅是没有生育,就被殴打致死…… Fang Yangyang was born on January 12th, 1997, and died on January 31th, 2019. Although she dropped out of school early because of the mental defect that she was born with, she became very precious to her father. However, such a lively girl was beaten to death justContinue reading “Global News: 方洋洋案引起人们对社会问题的关注 The Fang Yangyang case raises awareness of social issues”

Global News: The Unresolved Issue of Domestic abuse in Tibetan Culture and the Women Endangered by it 西藏未解决的家庭暴力问题及其对妇女的危害

Author: Sika Zhu Translation: Mingway Lee On September 14, 2020, Lamu, a Tibetan girl was set fire on after being doused with petrol by her ex-husband in her own kitchen. The abuse left her with severe burns covering 90 percent of her body. After an excruciating fortnight struggling for life, she passed away just oneContinue reading “Global News: The Unresolved Issue of Domestic abuse in Tibetan Culture and the Women Endangered by it 西藏未解决的家庭暴力问题及其对妇女的危害”

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