Menstrual Poverty

Author: Sandra de Castro Translator: Paulo Ventura Every month, the female body prepares for pregnancy: the endometrium, mucous membrane that lines the uterine wall internally, thickens for fertilization to occur. When there is no fertilization, the endometrium flakes off, and this flaking is a liquid fluid that comes out of the birth canal. This physiologicalContinue reading “Menstrual Poverty”

June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness

Author: Sandra de Castro Translator: Andrés Molina “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” were prolific words of Martin Luther King Jr. A  terrifying issue that has worsened with the COVID-19 pandemic  is the bullying against the elderly community.  A person sixty years and older is considered elderly. Being professionally active leads to greaterContinue reading “June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness”

抑郁症是一种慢性毒药 Depression: a Chronic Disease

Authors: Catherine Deng, Scarlett Wu, Sika Zhu Translation: Iris Zhao 关于抑郁症 About Depression 抑郁症被视为心理学的一个重要分支,临床心理学(Clinical Psychology)中的精神障碍重点研究范畴之一。根据百度所解释,情绪的消沉可以从闷闷不乐到悲痛欲绝, 自卑抑郁,甚至悲观厌世,可有自杀企图或行为,部分病例有明显的焦虑和运动性激越; 严重者可出现幻觉、妄想等精神病性症状。多数病例有反复发作的倾向,大多数可缓解, 部分有残留症状或转为长期性的挣扎。 Depression is regarded as an important branch of psychology and one of the key research categories of mental disorders in clinical psychology. According to Baidu, emotional depression symptoms can range from moodiness to grief, to a senseContinue reading “抑郁症是一种慢性毒药 Depression: a Chronic Disease”

Sports and Health: The Physical Problems With Staying Indoors 长期呆在室内带来的问题

By Yvette Shu Translation: Echo Wang Many people haven’t been able to see the sun in a while. Other than the occasional mission to the dangerous grocery store or a trek outside, they are definitely stuck inside for the majority of their time. Besides the added weight gained from the gym closure, being stuck inContinue reading “Sports and Health: The Physical Problems With Staying Indoors 长期呆在室内带来的问题”

Nurses During the Coronavirus Pandemic 疫情期间的护士

Author: Janina Akporavbore Translation: Christine Liu Nurses are the true heroes during the coronavirus pandemic. Millions of them are currently risking their lives to ensure that the general population is safe. Each and every nurse should be honored for their hard work and dedication because they are the main reason why countless deaths were prevented.Continue reading “Nurses During the Coronavirus Pandemic 疫情期间的护士”

家庭暴力其实和你想的不一样 Domestic violence is not what you think

Author: Alexia, Sika Translation: Echo Wang 在网络发达的今天,层出不穷的家庭暴力事件被曝光在我们眼前。我们能明显的感觉到,在中国,有更多的人开始关注经历家庭暴力的群体。 With the rapid development of the Internet, endless domestic violence cases have been exposed on the Internet. Clearly, more and more people in China are beginning to pay attention to minority groups that are experiencing domestic violence. 最近的,也是最令人痛心的事件就是拉姆的烧伤案。拉姆是一名短视频平台的主播,在直播期间,她的前夫闯入其家中并对拉姆泼汽油,导致她全身被烧伤百分之九十以上并致其死亡。 The most recent and distressing case is the burning ofContinue reading “家庭暴力其实和你想的不一样 Domestic violence is not what you think”

新冠疫情对心理健康的影响 The Impact of Covid-19 on Mental Health ​

Author: Scarlett Wu Translation: Hebe Liu 在联合国今年发表的全球心理健康危机报告中表明,许多国家的抑郁和焦虑症状有所增加。2020年4月,埃塞俄比亚的一项研究指出,与新冠大流行之前的估测数据相比,埃塞俄比亚人罹患抑郁症的概率增加了3倍。 As indicated in the report of Global Mental Health Crisis by the UN, the symptoms of depression and anxiety have increased in many countries. A survey from Ethiopia in April showed that Ethiopians are three times more likely to experience depression during the coronavirus pandemic than before. 在新冠疫情下,一些特定人群更容易有相关心理困扰。面对繁重的工作量,生死攸关的决定以及被感染的风险,一线卫生工作者尤其容易受到影响。疫情期间,中国医护人员报告的抑郁症患病率高达50%、焦虑症达45%、失眠率达34%,而在加拿大,有47%的医护人员反应了他们对心理支持的需求。Continue reading “新冠疫情对心理健康的影响 The Impact of Covid-19 on Mental Health ​”

Opinion: Pfizer Vaccine in the US 美国辉瑞疫苗

Author: Nina Luo Translation: Selina Chen As of December 21, at least 614,000 people have received the Pfizer vaccine in the United States. The Moderna vaccine has also been approved for emergency use by the FDA last week. To ensure society continues to function, essential frontline workers have begun their vaccinations as the first priorityContinue reading “Opinion: Pfizer Vaccine in the US 美国辉瑞疫苗”

疫情下保持心理健康方式采访 Mental health special interview

In this article, I interviewed the psychological counselor from my high school and obtained insights into ways to maintain our mental health under the pandemic. 我采访了我高中的心理咨询师并了解到了保持心理健康的方式。 Q1. What do you personally do to maintain mental health? 1.你是如何保持心理健康的? A:I practice mindfulness through sitting mediation (usually at least once a day) and I recently incorporated yoga into my routine.Continue reading “疫情下保持心理健康方式采访 Mental health special interview”

The Value of Korean National Health Insurance in Corona Epidemic 韩国国家医疗保险在疫情中的意义

Author: Owen Sun and Catherine Deng Translation: Susan Luo The novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) refers to a respiratory infection caused by a new type of coronavirus now spreading around the world. On 11 March, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a pandemic. 新型冠状病毒感染(COVID-19)是一种由新型冠状病毒引起的呼吸道感染。2020年3月11日,世界卫生组织宣布COVID-19为全球性疫情。 “Pandemic” meaning a case where a new infectious disease withoutContinue reading “The Value of Korean National Health Insurance in Corona Epidemic 韩国国家医疗保险在疫情中的意义”

The Second Wave: What’s Happening With the Coronavirus? 疫情的第二波:新冠病毒怎么了?

Author: Yvette Shu Translation: Jonathan Yu After being in quarantine for over four months, it may seem like we have managed to “flatten the curve” of the coronavirus pandemic. Already, many countries, including the U.S. and New Zealand, are easing quarantine regulations, allowing people to return to normal. 在被隔离了四个多月之后,我们似乎已经成功地将新冠疫情的曲线“拉平”。包括美国和新西兰在内的许多国家已经开始放宽检疫规定,让人们的生活状态恢复正常。 However, it seems like we areContinue reading “The Second Wave: What’s Happening With the Coronavirus? 疫情的第二波:新冠病毒怎么了?”

Sports and Health: Clanking Bones 碰撞的骨头

Author: Tiger Fan Translation: Tiger Fan/Sunny Yu One day, a friend of mine presented me with an intriguing hypothetical scenario: “Imagine if the bones of Pompey the Great and Julius Caesar were dug out of their graves and put in their old armors, and then clattered against each other to see what breaks first”. “WhatContinue reading “Sports and Health: Clanking Bones 碰撞的骨头”

The coronavirus pandemic improves the healthcare system

The coronavirus pandemic improves the healthcare system  The healthcare system has been completely ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic. Medical personnel have been left alone to handle the surge of cases with very few medical tools. Fortunately, healthcare professionals have found a way to persist beneath it all, and when the pandemic terminates, the healthcare systemContinue reading “The coronavirus pandemic improves the healthcare system”

Sports: Changes of fitness industry under the epidemic

Sports: Changes of fitness industry under the circumstance of the epidemic 健身行业在疫情下的变化 As the saying goes, “rest breeds rust”. According to data from the annual report of sports trends in 2019 from the world’s leading market intelligence agency, Mintel, most adults exercise regularly. Nearly two-thirds of adults exercise several times a week and one-fifth ofContinue reading “Sports: Changes of fitness industry under the epidemic”

Health: Small dining businesses look for “healthy” solutions

Small dining businesses look for “healthy” solutions to the economic crisis 健康:小餐饮行业寻找“健康”的方法度过经济难关 Under the COVID-19 pandemic, the scene of crowded malls and aggregated groups of shoppers in downtown Beijing was replaced by hopeless employees and empty tables surrounded by their fancy menus. The pandemic has reshaped almost all businesses, acting as an invisible hand thatContinue reading “Health: Small dining businesses look for “healthy” solutions”

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