Culture&Lifestyle: 有趣的心理学现象介绍(上):二十一世纪西方文化三大发现 Interesting psychological effects: Three discoveries of western culture in the 21st century

Author: Scarlett Wu Translation: Iris Zhao 墨菲定律  Murphy’s law 墨菲定律其中的一条准则表明:“只要一件事有变化的可能,随着重复次数增加,它必然会出现。” 即,如果在某件事物上仍有蒙尘的死角,事故爆发的可能性经过累积,就必然会爆发。 2003年,美国“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机即将返回地面的时候,在得克萨斯州中部地区上空出了事故,导致航天飞机上6名宇航员全部遇难,其中包括首位进入太空的以色列宇航员拉蒙。该事故也充分印证了墨菲定律—这种复杂的系统出事是不可避免的,不是在今天,就是在明天,出现事故也是合情合理的。 One of the principles of Murphy’s Law states: “As long as something has the potential to change, it will appear as the number of repetitions increases.” That means, if there is still a possibility for something, an accident will inevitably break out after accumulationContinue reading “Culture&Lifestyle: 有趣的心理学现象介绍(上):二十一世纪西方文化三大发现 Interesting psychological effects: Three discoveries of western culture in the 21st century”

抑郁症是一种慢性毒药 Depression: a Chronic Disease

Authors: Catherine Deng, Scarlett Wu, Sika Zhu Translation: Iris Zhao 关于抑郁症 About Depression 抑郁症被视为心理学的一个重要分支,临床心理学(Clinical Psychology)中的精神障碍重点研究范畴之一。根据百度所解释,情绪的消沉可以从闷闷不乐到悲痛欲绝, 自卑抑郁,甚至悲观厌世,可有自杀企图或行为,部分病例有明显的焦虑和运动性激越; 严重者可出现幻觉、妄想等精神病性症状。多数病例有反复发作的倾向,大多数可缓解, 部分有残留症状或转为长期性的挣扎。 Depression is regarded as an important branch of psychology and one of the key research categories of mental disorders in clinical psychology. According to Baidu, emotional depression symptoms can range from moodiness to grief, to a senseContinue reading “抑郁症是一种慢性毒药 Depression: a Chronic Disease”

The psychological effects of smoking marijuana 大麻在70年代美国加利福尼亚州的心理影响

Author/Translation: Celina Zhao Last time we talked about the marijuana abuse situation in the 70’s America and now. Also the common sense of what is marijuana. Today we are going to dig into the physical and mental harm that marijuana will cause to human body. Please read or listen through. Thanks. 回顾:上次我们谈到了70年代及现在美国的大麻滥用情况。有关大麻的知识点。今天,我们将探讨大麻将对人体造成的身心伤害。请务必继续阅读或收听,谢谢。 Despite the hazardsContinue reading “The psychological effects of smoking marijuana 大麻在70年代美国加利福尼亚州的心理影响”

Opinion: The Psychological Consequences of COVID-19

The Psychological Consequences of COVID-19 重症监护病房综合征:COVID-19的心理后果 Leah Blomberg, a 35 year old woman, woke up covered in cold sweat in an unfamiliar hospital bed. Nurses wearing harsh blue protective equipment stood over her, watching her and studying her. Saws in hand, they began cutting off her arms. She screamed for help, trying to wriggle away.Continue reading “Opinion: The Psychological Consequences of COVID-19”

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