Decoding Economy

Indian Economy covers various aspects of the Indian Economy including its problems along with suggested solutions. This book is a compilation of research done by students who were sensitized by news articles related to the contemporary Indian Economy. There is a wonderful book written by Goenkans. This book is a amazing steps  to help theContinue reading “Decoding Economy”

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations And The Future of the Internet.

A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is an organization that exists on a blockchain, typically as a set of smart contracts. A DAO’s financial transaction record and program rules are maintained on a blockchain.Decentralized Autonomous Organizations And The Future of the Internet In my recent book here on, I touched upon some recent data showing how blockchainContinue reading “Decentralized Autonomous Organizations And The Future of the Internet.”

The CDC Released a New Update for Masking Policies 

By: Hezekiah Ortiz  The Center for Disease Control allows us ‘be maskless’ for indoor public spaces following a steady drop in COVID-19 Cases.  November of 2021 was marked by a slip when the CDC loosened mask policies before Omicron hit the United States. But, now that hospital metrics show a stellar decrease in coronavirus admission,Continue reading The CDC Released a New Update for Masking Policies 

Ancient Technology & Modern Technology Blend on Brain Healing Science

Author: Professor (Dr.) Sanjay Rout We all are currently living in contemporary technological epoch. Spiritual and healing is always a part of human societal, mental & professional development. The spiritual industry is a term used to describe the businesses and industries that are involved in providing spiritual and mental health services to the public. PreviouslyContinue reading “Ancient Technology & Modern Technology Blend on Brain Healing Science”

Are we actualy growning?

I got a job recently. For more than two years, I had been unemployed. Does this mean the world is getting back on track? I do not know. I live in Cancún, México. As many people know, Latin America has had its bad share in this pandemic. According to data from the CEPAL (Economic CommissionContinue reading “Are we actualy growning?”

DCentral Miami – Where NFTs Roam

Cryptocurrency, NFTs, Binance (BSC), what is this new jargon? This is the future of the world and currency more than likely, this is not something I write or tell anyone in hopes of changing their mind. It is the trend that is actively being witnessed as more people invest into cryptocurrency and into the artContinue reading “DCentral Miami – Where NFTs Roam”

Josh Lippi & The Overtimers – “Just Fine” Clip Premiere

Author: Aron Debreceni “Just Fine” is the latest single by L.A.-based Josh Lippi & The Overtimers, and its official music video landed on August 2. Initially, it is one of the included tracks on Josh’s EP “In Quarantine”, which is a live acoustic record and it was originally released on the 19th of March thisContinue reading “Josh Lippi & The Overtimers – “Just Fine” Clip Premiere”

The Art of Remastering a Gaming Cult Classic, A Review of ‘Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne’

Author: Serafina Paladino Translator: Janvi Bhanushali My first thought when I think about Nocturne is playing the game on my partner’s oversized childhood PS2. Which, despite being an ancient relic compared to today’s high-tech gaming PCs and consoles, felt like a comforting return to form. More specifically, Nocturne reminded me of the days of myContinue reading “The Art of Remastering a Gaming Cult Classic, A Review of ‘Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne’”

Greater Cultural Exposure and Less Use of Social Media Promote Empathy in Today’s Youth

Author: Claris Diaz Translator: Paulo Ventura The advent of technology has brought benefits and setbacks. The biggest benefit is the ability to make and keep in touch with others via text, video calls, and online messaging. However, one of technology’s biggest setbacks is the frequent use of social media and how it negatively affects today’sContinue reading “Greater Cultural Exposure and Less Use of Social Media Promote Empathy in Today’s Youth”

Why Travel Will Change Your Relationships

Author: Claris Diaz Translator: Andrés Molina There have been times when you have sat around the dining table with family members and had nothing to say. Yeah… you would agree that at such times, having a healthy conversation would not matter simply because your siblings and parents are busy with their phones. No doubt, itContinue reading “Why Travel Will Change Your Relationships”

José González – ‘Head On’ – Single Review

Author: Aron Debreceni Translator: Natalia Marín ‘Head On’ was released on June 9, and is the second single of Swedish-born singer-songwriter, José González . It will be included in his upcoming album, Local Valley, that is set to be released later this year in September. ‘Head On’ has all the attributes sonically that his earlyContinue reading “José González – ‘Head On’ – Single Review”

Menstrual Poverty

Author: Sandra de Castro Translator: Paulo Ventura Every month, the female body prepares for pregnancy: the endometrium, mucous membrane that lines the uterine wall internally, thickens for fertilization to occur. When there is no fertilization, the endometrium flakes off, and this flaking is a liquid fluid that comes out of the birth canal. This physiologicalContinue reading “Menstrual Poverty”

Nigeria’s Twitter Ban: A Step Away From Democracy

Author: Halim Blessing Ebube Translator: Kazeem Rabiu The Nigerian Government is threatening to rid its people of a source of both public opinion and income by banning the social media app, Twitter, permanently. On June 5th, 2021, the app became unaccessible to its almost 40 million Nigerian users. The ban came days after Nigerian President,Continue reading “Nigeria’s Twitter Ban: A Step Away From Democracy”

California Governor Gavin Newsom is Under Recall

Author: Jasmine Cuza Translator: Eugenia Avellaneda The 2021 gubernatorial recall election of California. Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to be held in November. Though, there is a high chance that this event can be held as early as August. This is the 54th attempt in California election history to remove a governor from office. InContinue reading “California Governor Gavin Newsom is Under Recall”

Foy Vance: Sapling – Single Review

Author: Aron Debreceni Foy Vance dropped his latest single ‘Sapling’ on Friday, 27 May 2021, which will be included in his upcoming album Signs of Life. It will be released later this year. ‘Sapling’ is a tune that also has the folky attributes that fans may have already heard in the artist’s earlier songs. However,Continue reading “Foy Vance: Sapling – Single Review”

Let’s Celebrate! Juneteenth Is Here!

Author: Cameron Smith Translator: Janvi Bhanushali It is official, the oldest holiday commemorating the ending of slavery has returned, but this time with a more solidified front. With everything transpiring, this day seems to have the world holding its breath, but at the same time its rememberance reminds Americans alike that while slavery has ended,Continue reading “Let’s Celebrate! Juneteenth Is Here!”

June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness

Author: Sandra de Castro Translator: Andrés Molina “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” were prolific words of Martin Luther King Jr. A  terrifying issue that has worsened with the COVID-19 pandemic  is the bullying against the elderly community.  A person sixty years and older is considered elderly. Being professionally active leads to greaterContinue reading “June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness”

关于学习第二门外语的态度 (上):Studying a Second Foreign Language: opinions and inspirations

Authors: Linda Hang, Hebe Liu Translation: Hebe Liu 泰语 Thai–Linda’s story 语言是美丽的。想要更好的了解这个世界,多学几门语言总是好的。不同于很多人都在学的欧洲或日韩语言,我选择了泰语作为我的第二外语。 Language is beautiful. If one seeks to have a better understanding of the world, one might consider learning more languages. Unlike most people around me, who chose to learn Japanese, Korean, and European languages, I chose Tai as my second language.    泰语,是泰族的语言,属于汉藏语系。其实作为中国人,学习泰语要比西方人简单很多。泰语是一种拼音文字,由32个元音、44个辅音,以及5个音调组成。它的构词方法就像我们的拼音一样。但不同的是,泰语的元音分长、短,辅音分清辅音和浊辅音,很多辅音也都长得很像。这就给学习带来了一定的难度。Continue reading “关于学习第二门外语的态度 (上):Studying a Second Foreign Language: opinions and inspirations”

秋裤及其改进建议 Thermal Leggings and improvement suggestions

In China, people wear what is called “Qiuku”—thermal leggings that help protect people from the cold. Similar to leggings, thermal leggings are usually tight clothing that people wear; and similar to sweatpants, people can go to sleep with “Qiuku” on. Have you heard of thermal leggings before? Do only Chinese people wearing thermal leggings? WhenContinue reading “秋裤及其改进建议 Thermal Leggings and improvement suggestions”

Opinion: Amy Coney Barrett’s presence in the Supreme Court Endangers Americans Amy Coney Barrett在最高法院就职给美国人民带来新危机

Author: Janina Akporavbore Translation: Echo Wang On September 26, 2020, President Donald Trump decided that he could not leave the office without wielding his executive power. He elected Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. 2020年9月26日,美国总统Trump决定在没有行使他的行政权之前他不会离开办公室,为此他挑选了Amy Coney Barrett前往最高法院就职。 Barrett is a woman known for one defining feature: her radical Catholic views. She struggles to separateContinue reading “Opinion: Amy Coney Barrett’s presence in the Supreme Court Endangers Americans Amy Coney Barrett在最高法院就职给美国人民带来新危机”

The WeChat and TikTok executive order will leave a scar in the globe 微信和美国抖音的禁令会给世界带来伤痕

By Janina Akporavbore and Sunny Yu Under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act that grants the president the power to ban sanctions between the United States and foreign entities, President Trump has ordered a ban on WeChat and TikTok transactions in the United States, stating that the ban ensures national security and protects the nationContinue reading “The WeChat and TikTok executive order will leave a scar in the globe 微信和美国抖音的禁令会给世界带来伤痕”

Opinion: Black people need more positive representation in the media

Black people need more positive representation in the media 黑人需要媒体更多积极的展现 Black people often find themselves pushed into comic relief or sassy sidekick roles on television. Casting directors only seeing them as able to play, little side roles. In most cases, black people are not given the opportunity to audition for big parts that portray themContinue reading “Opinion: Black people need more positive representation in the media”

观点:由美国历史看种族歧视 Opinion: Seeing racism through the lens of history

美国声称是一个开放的国度,所有的梦想都能实现,但在这繁华的虚荣下是层层的阶级限制和种族歧视。针对黑人的歧视行为并不是短时间酿成的,而针对亚裔的歧视更是令人发指。 The United States, an allegedly “open” country where people chase the American dream, is in reality, a racist and exploitative country. The racism against African Americans is nothing transient, and the discrimination and hatred toward Asian Americans is equally daunting. 追根溯源,黑人奴役要从三角贸易开始说起。16世纪开始的“黑三角贸易”即奴隶贸易,欧洲奴隶贩子从本国出发装载盐、布匹、朗姆酒等,在非洲换成奴隶沿着所谓的”中央航路”通过大西洋,在美洲换成糖、烟草和稻米等种植园产品以及金银和工业原料返航。在欧洲西部、非洲的几内亚湾附近、美洲西印度群岛之间,航线大致构成三角形状,由于被贩运的是黑色人种,故又称“黑三角贸易”。贩奴船只从事奴隶贩运900趟,所贩奴隶卖价1500万镑,净赚1200万镑。殷殷鲜血,垒垒白骨。那时美国还没有成立,作为北美殖民地是三角贸易的重要一环。而在欧洲积累了丰厚的资本主义后,黑人的地位一落千丈。 To trace the roots of racism, people have to go back to asContinue reading “观点:由美国历史看种族歧视 Opinion: Seeing racism through the lens of history”

Opinion: Don’t Forget about the Coronavirus!

Author: Janina Akporavbore Forgive and forget – it is human nature and what we have been doing since the dawn of time. This forgetful nature of humans is best exemplified through their attitudes toward the coroanvirus. People have decided that they are tired of the pandemic lifestyle and have resumed their normal routines. Not onlyContinue reading “Opinion: Don’t Forget about the Coronavirus!”

Opinion: People should not completely demonize Gone with the Wind

People should not completely demonize Gone with the Wind 人们不能全盘否决乱世佳人 Author: Sunny Yu Translation: Sunny Yu HBO recently took Gone With the Wind off its platform due to controversies regarding the potential racist contents in the film. Despite the action and the ongoing debate on the values of the film, it is undeniable that theContinue reading “Opinion: People should not completely demonize Gone with the Wind”

Opinion: the roles of Weibo and other social media platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic 疫情之下,微博和社交媒体的作用

by Lucy Zuo; translated into English by Celina Zhao 随着电子网络技术的不断发展和提高,社交媒体平台逐渐取代了传统的新闻报道方式,成为了大部分人主要的信息来源渠道。生活在现今的 “大数据时代”,网络上的报导和言论对于大众的判断能力和态度有着不可估量的影响。 With the continuous development and improvement of electronic network technology, social media has gradually replaced traditional news reporting methods and became the main source of information for most people. Living in today’s ‘Big Data Era’, reports and comments on the Internet have an inestimableContinue reading “Opinion: the roles of Weibo and other social media platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic 疫情之下,微博和社交媒体的作用”

Opinion: Violence against violence does not solve the problem of police brutality or racism

Police brutality (#Blacklivesmatter) 警察暴行 (#Blacklivesmatter)(黑人的命也是生命) Many Americans would like to believe that racism towards African Americans has declined these past few years. However, the reality is that African Americans are incarcerated at more than five times the rate of whites, and the imprisonment rate of African American women is twice the amount of white women.Continue reading “Opinion: Violence against violence does not solve the problem of police brutality or racism”

Opinion: The Psychological Consequences of COVID-19

The Psychological Consequences of COVID-19 重症监护病房综合征:COVID-19的心理后果 Leah Blomberg, a 35 year old woman, woke up covered in cold sweat in an unfamiliar hospital bed. Nurses wearing harsh blue protective equipment stood over her, watching her and studying her. Saws in hand, they began cutting off her arms. She screamed for help, trying to wriggle away.Continue reading “Opinion: The Psychological Consequences of COVID-19”

Opinion: La Casa de Papel ignites a sense of rebellion in viewers

This article contains La Casa de Papel spoilers.  La Casa de Papel ignites a sense of rebellion in viewers The Netflix series, “La Casa de Papel,” is about The Professor journeyed who to the outskirts of Europe and gathered its most intelligent and cunning people. He transformed a group of scoundrels into the nation’s mostContinue reading “Opinion: La Casa de Papel ignites a sense of rebellion in viewers”

Opinion: Stimulus Checks: Highlighting the Incompetence of the IRS

Opinion: Stimulus Checks: Highlighting the Incompetence of the IRS By Yvette Shu Recently, the United States Federal Government announced its response to the coronavirus epidemic and subsequent quarantine. It sent out stimulus checks to help out those who lost their jobs and were struggling to make ends meet.  The USFG would send a $2.2 trillionContinue reading “Opinion: Stimulus Checks: Highlighting the Incompetence of the IRS”

Opinion: Frozen dessert restaurants should close during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Frozen dessert restaurants should close during the Coronavirus Pandemic   With temperatures soaring and summer coming around the corner, many Americans may find themselves racing to their nearest ice cream shop. Unfortunately, they may not know the imminent danger they are putting themselves in.  Frozen foods have proven to be the breeding ground for the novelContinue reading “Opinion: Frozen dessert restaurants should close during the Coronavirus Pandemic”

Opinion: The US Health Care System is Furthering the Epidemic

Exposing America: How Our Health Care System is Furthering the Coronavirus Epidemic With the coronavirus spreading like wildfire and the subsequent panic and quarantine, American culture has been turned upside down. Currently, the majority of Americans spend all of their time indoors, and the only time they leave the house is to stock up onContinue reading “Opinion: The US Health Care System is Furthering the Epidemic”

Opinion: Churches should not be deemed as Essential Businesses

Churches should not be deemed as Essential Businesses  Out of Three dozen infected there are two dead from attending services held at a church in Arkansas alone. It is evident that nowadays, attending church is more dangerous than ever can get people killed. So why then, is President Trump rallying for churches to be labeled as essential businesses? ItContinue reading “Opinion: Churches should not be deemed as Essential Businesses”

Opinion: Inmates sentence should be pardoned due to the pandemic

Inmates sentence should be pardoned due to the coronavirus pandemic 观点:因为新冠病毒,美国应暂时释放轻罪囚犯 Americans leave 2.3 million incarcerated behind bars, prey to the coronavirus. Thevirus attacks the infected respiratory system. It leaves a young able-bodied adult renderless, an elderly woman stuck in a hospital bed.   美国把230万人关押在牢房里,成为冠状病毒的猎物。该病毒攻击受感染的呼吸系统。这个病毒能使一个年轻健壮的成年人变得毫无表情,也无情地将一名老年妇女被困在医院的病床上。 The injustice of leaving Americans incarcerated prey to the virus should no longer persist.Continue reading “Opinion: Inmates sentence should be pardoned due to the pandemic”

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