Opinion: The United States is Killing Transgender Youth

Author: Oliver Du Bois Translator: Eugenia Avellaneda The participation in and enjoyment of sports is a rite of passage for many children in the United States. Favorite teams are often passed down and shared between family members of multiple generations. Children, especially those who are younger, participate in a variety of sports to discover whatContinue reading “Opinion: The United States is Killing Transgender Youth”

New containment measures in Beijing: necessary, timely, and effective 北京疫情防控措施:必要、及时、有效果

New containment measures in Beijing: necessary, timely, and effective 北京疫情防控措施:必要、及时、有效果 Just as swimmers and residents in Fengtai district began to get excited about going to the local pool to exercise and relax in the hot summer (as the indoor swimming pool in Fengtai announced its reopening on June 12th after months of closure), the newsContinue reading “New containment measures in Beijing: necessary, timely, and effective 北京疫情防控措施:必要、及时、有效果”

观点:由美国历史看种族歧视 Opinion: Seeing racism through the lens of history

美国声称是一个开放的国度,所有的梦想都能实现,但在这繁华的虚荣下是层层的阶级限制和种族歧视。针对黑人的歧视行为并不是短时间酿成的,而针对亚裔的歧视更是令人发指。 The United States, an allegedly “open” country where people chase the American dream, is in reality, a racist and exploitative country. The racism against African Americans is nothing transient, and the discrimination and hatred toward Asian Americans is equally daunting. 追根溯源,黑人奴役要从三角贸易开始说起。16世纪开始的“黑三角贸易”即奴隶贸易,欧洲奴隶贩子从本国出发装载盐、布匹、朗姆酒等,在非洲换成奴隶沿着所谓的”中央航路”通过大西洋,在美洲换成糖、烟草和稻米等种植园产品以及金银和工业原料返航。在欧洲西部、非洲的几内亚湾附近、美洲西印度群岛之间,航线大致构成三角形状,由于被贩运的是黑色人种,故又称“黑三角贸易”。贩奴船只从事奴隶贩运900趟,所贩奴隶卖价1500万镑,净赚1200万镑。殷殷鲜血,垒垒白骨。那时美国还没有成立,作为北美殖民地是三角贸易的重要一环。而在欧洲积累了丰厚的资本主义后,黑人的地位一落千丈。 To trace the roots of racism, people have to go back to asContinue reading “观点:由美国历史看种族歧视 Opinion: Seeing racism through the lens of history”

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