New containment measures in Beijing: necessary, timely, and effective 北京疫情防控措施:必要、及时、有效果

New containment measures in Beijing: necessary, timely, and effective 北京疫情防控措施:必要、及时、有效果 Just as swimmers and residents in Fengtai district began to get excited about going to the local pool to exercise and relax in the hot summer (as the indoor swimming pool in Fengtai announced its reopening on June 12th after months of closure), the newsContinue reading “New containment measures in Beijing: necessary, timely, and effective 北京疫情防控措施:必要、及时、有效果”

Online, offline, and online again: Beijing students’ race with uncertainties.

Online, offline, and online again: Beijing students’ race with uncertainties 线上,线下,线上:北京学生与未知赛跑 Author/translation: Sunny Yu BEIJING—Zhang is a student from RDFZ. Like many of her peers, she returned to school on June 1st, when schools reopened in Beijing, China. Zhang felt that her life was finally getting back together in the past two weeks. She wasContinue reading “Online, offline, and online again: Beijing students’ race with uncertainties.”

Photo Gallery: the Beijing under recovery 慢慢在从疫情中复苏的北京

在疫情之下,很多北京标志性的旅游景点也被“隔离”了,游客只能从外面瞥见景点的风景。尽管这些旅游景点还关闭着,北京,我们热爱的城市,已经有了复苏的征兆—繁荣忙碌的城市正在回来,有趣的旅程在等待着我们。这些照片集锦收集了北京城区的容貌,并展现了疫情下的持续性和改变:尽管什刹海还没开放,人们可以从佩戴着口罩的路人,工作者,和居民重看出北京已经在慢慢积攒活力,迎接复苏。 Under the pandemic, various signature sites of Beijing had been under their own “quarantine”, leaving tourists with an empty glimpse from the outside. Despite the inaccessibility to these places, Beijing, our beloved city, is showing signs of recovery again—the prosperous and busy city is coming back, and fun adventures outside the house await. TheContinue reading “Photo Gallery: the Beijing under recovery 慢慢在从疫情中复苏的北京”

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