Features: Chinese New Year Celebration 回忆春节

@Fiona Zou 2021的新年我是和父母在古北水镇度过的。除夕前一天我们就离开家住进了酒店,在酒店里过了新年。在我的记忆中,小时候,我们都会与在北京的亲戚一起,一边吃年夜饭一边看春晚,被屋外的鞭炮声吵得整夜睡不着觉。而今年,我们甚至都没有在除夕的晚上好好吃一顿饭,春晚也变得越来越不好看,如今的北京更是彻底地禁止了鞭炮。这么看,我的新年确实不那么具有“年味“了,但那却是一段非常美好的、与家人认真相聚的时光。不管”年味“是什么,这样对我来说就已经足够了。    This year, my parents and I spent the Spring Festival at Gubei Water Town in Beijing. We checked into the hotel one day before New Year’s Eve and stayed there for New Year’s Day. In my memories as a child, we would watch the Spring Festival Gala while having a reunion dinnerContinue reading “Features: Chinese New Year Celebration 回忆春节”

音乐类非物质文化遗产 Chinese music: introducing different traditional cultural heritage

Authors: Ashley Pan, Flora Jia, and Amber Zhang translation: Echo Wang 昆曲 Kunqu author: Ashley Pan 昆曲源于元末明初。元朝后期,南戏流经江苏昆山一带,与当地语音和音乐相结合,经昆山音乐家顾坚的改进,初见昆曲雏形。明嘉靖十年至二十年间,魏良辅总结北曲演唱的艺术成就,吸取海盐、弋阳等唱腔的长处,对昆腔加以改革,从而建立了委婉细腻的昆腔歌唱体系。万历末,昆腔传入北京,成为全国性剧种,被称为“官腔”。昆曲念白具有地方特色,以中州官话为唱说语言,整体格调富有中国古典文学的气韵。昆曲作为一种歌、舞、介、白各种表演形式相融合的综合艺术,以鼓、板控制演唱节奏,曲笛、三弦等为主要伴奏乐器,糅合了唱念做打、舞蹈及武术等艺术形式,生动展现曲中人、曲中事。昆曲是我国传统戏曲中最古老的剧种之一,很多剧种都是在昆剧的基础上发展起来的,有 “中国戏曲之母”的雅称,在我国文学史、戏曲史、音乐史、舞蹈史上占有重要的地位。 Kunqu originated in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasty. During the late Yuan Dynasty, southern opera spread to Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. It was combined with the local dialect and music. With the improvement of Kunshan musicianContinue reading “音乐类非物质文化遗产 Chinese music: introducing different traditional cultural heritage”

Global News: The Unresolved Issue of Domestic abuse in Tibetan Culture and the Women Endangered by it 西藏未解决的家庭暴力问题及其对妇女的危害

Author: Sika Zhu Translation: Mingway Lee On September 14, 2020, Lamu, a Tibetan girl was set fire on after being doused with petrol by her ex-husband in her own kitchen. The abuse left her with severe burns covering 90 percent of her body. After an excruciating fortnight struggling for life, she passed away just oneContinue reading “Global News: The Unresolved Issue of Domestic abuse in Tibetan Culture and the Women Endangered by it 西藏未解决的家庭暴力问题及其对妇女的危害”

疫情之下教育行业的危与机 How the COVID-19 pandemic created dilemmas and opportunities for education

Author: Jingjing Huang Translation: The Unknown team 2020年的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(COVID-19)无疑是对中国,对世界发展的一次重大冲击。全球累计感染者超过100万人,由于该病毒具有人传人的特性。 The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly shaken not only China but the world. There has been more than one million infection cases, given that the virus can pass from person to person. 为了避免疫情的进一步扩散,减少线下聚集带来的传播风险,教育部办公厅发布了停课不停学的通知,明确要求各地各学校在延期开学期间开通国家中小学网络云平台和电视空中课堂。世界范围的居家隔离让学生无法按时开学,学校无法线下教学。 In order to prevent the coronavirus from further spread and eliminate the risks of in-personContinue reading “疫情之下教育行业的危与机 How the COVID-19 pandemic created dilemmas and opportunities for education”

王阳明纪念馆之哲学思想探索:“知行合一”的现实意义 Wang’s philosophy: “The unity of Inner knowledge and action”

Author/Translation/Photography: Sunny Yu 王阳明简介 An introduction of Wang Yangming 王守仁(1472年10月31日-1529年1月9日),幼名云,字伯安,别号阳明,浙江余姚人,汉族,明代思想家、哲学家、文学家兼军事家、教育家。阳明学是明朝中晚期的主流学说之一,后传于日本,对日本及东亚都有较大影响。阳明心学是中国思想文化史上的重要学说之一。阳明心学不是唯心之学,也不仅仅是心理之学,而是中国古代思想家既强调道法自然,又主张天人合一,更重视人的主观能动性等一系列哲学思想之集大成,通过心即理、知行合一、致良知等核心概念实现了理论与实践的统一、主体与客体的统一和内圣与外王的统一。站在今天新的历史方位上,传承发扬阳明心学,有着重大的理论价值和现实意义。本文的配图拍摄于阳明洞,是王阳明曾居住过的地方并在此悟出“心即理”这一重要心学思想,标志着“阳明心学”的诞生。在王阳明的众多思想中,“知行合一”是其中的一个代表。(百度百科) Wang Shouren (October 31, 1472 to January 9, 1529) was born in Yuyao, Zhejiang. He was a prestigious thinker, philosopher, writer, strategist and educator in the Ming Dynasty. Yangming school was one of the mainstream theories in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. It laterContinue reading “王阳明纪念馆之哲学思想探索:“知行合一”的现实意义 Wang’s philosophy: “The unity of Inner knowledge and action””

Health: Small dining businesses look for “healthy” solutions

Small dining businesses look for “healthy” solutions to the economic crisis 健康:小餐饮行业寻找“健康”的方法度过经济难关 Under the COVID-19 pandemic, the scene of crowded malls and aggregated groups of shoppers in downtown Beijing was replaced by hopeless employees and empty tables surrounded by their fancy menus. The pandemic has reshaped almost all businesses, acting as an invisible hand thatContinue reading “Health: Small dining businesses look for “healthy” solutions”

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