Features: Chinese New Year Celebration 回忆春节

@Fiona Zou 2021的新年我是和父母在古北水镇度过的。除夕前一天我们就离开家住进了酒店,在酒店里过了新年。在我的记忆中,小时候,我们都会与在北京的亲戚一起,一边吃年夜饭一边看春晚,被屋外的鞭炮声吵得整夜睡不着觉。而今年,我们甚至都没有在除夕的晚上好好吃一顿饭,春晚也变得越来越不好看,如今的北京更是彻底地禁止了鞭炮。这么看,我的新年确实不那么具有“年味“了,但那却是一段非常美好的、与家人认真相聚的时光。不管”年味“是什么,这样对我来说就已经足够了。    This year, my parents and I spent the Spring Festival at Gubei Water Town in Beijing. We checked into the hotel one day before New Year’s Eve and stayed there for New Year’s Day. In my memories as a child, we would watch the Spring Festival Gala while having a reunion dinnerContinue reading “Features: Chinese New Year Celebration 回忆春节”

网红店的思考 Opinion: Thoughts on the Internet-famous shops and restaurants

Author: Sika Zhu Translation: Mingway Li 我手机里有个app,它的名字叫 小红书 我知道它里面的东西很大一部分都有水分,但是就是蛮喜欢看看这些赏心悦目的照片的,看着看着也就开始预备买这个买那个,去各种网红店打卡了。 There is an app on my phone called “Xiao Hong Shu” (little red book). Although I’m well aware that most information on this app is somehow “useless”, I enjoy scrolling through delicate pictures, and I am always prepared to buy products or visit those “online-sensational” or better put, Xiao-Hong-Shu-famous shops and restaurants. 体制内的高中生朋友都知道,我们刚刚结束学业水平测试,我们这要命的学校给咱放了半天假,于是,我就拉着我爸妈一起去某网红店打卡了。 As most Chinese students know, we just finished the academic proficiency test, so when we finally got a break for half a day, I dragged my parents to visit one of the Xiao-Hong-Shu famous places. 这家店呢,是十分典型的北欧简约性冷淡风,吃饭的地方还用玻璃隔出了一块地方,里面放了点龟背竹仙人掌之类,还有一架钢琴。我妈喊服务员来推荐推荐菜品,服务员非常诚恳地告诉我们,这个这个和这个,拍照很好看。 The shop was decorated in a typical Northern European style, which looks simplistic with cold-tone colours. A piece of glass was placed between the dining area and some monsteras and cactuses. A piano stood there as well.  My mother consulted a waitress about recommended dishes and got a sincere answer— “this, this and this. Very nice dishes for taking pictures.” 我当然点了拍照很好看的菜,等了好久,它们终于千呼万唤始出来了,那个拍照很好看的菜,有点凉了。 Of course, without any hesitation I ordered the food which was “good for talking pictures .” After a long time waiting, the food came out, almost cold.  我承认那顿饭真的很不值,那屋采光不好,那天还是阴天,导致我拍的照片很丑,虽然我看见了一对小情侣,一直在拍照片,女孩子捧着碟子让男朋友拍了很久很久。网红店里当然不只我们这么大的带着闺蜜来,也有带着娃来的闺蜜们,娃娃们在餐厅里横冲直撞,玩的很开心,当然,菜也很一般,还无比的贵,我亏到家了。 I have to admit that it was not a worthy meal. Because of bad lighting, the pictures I took were nothing like the pictures I saw on the app, not to mention that the cloudyContinue reading “网红店的思考 Opinion: Thoughts on the Internet-famous shops and restaurants”

Lifestyle: How to make sugarcoated haws 如何制作冰糖葫芦

Author: Amber Zhang Translation: Scarlett Wu 老北京糖葫芦是北京的一个优秀的传统美食。酸酸甜甜,清脆爽口。每每到了冬天的时候,一串酸甜可口的糖葫芦不仅可以融化口腔获得幸福还可以在隆冬收获满满的幸福。老北京糖葫芦的制作方式如下: Sugarcoated haws, a kind of sour, sweet, crisp, and refreshing snack, are an excellent traditional delicacy in Beijing. When it comes to winter, a string of sweet and sour haws can not only melt in the mouth but also harvest lots of happiness in the middle of winter.Continue reading “Lifestyle: How to make sugarcoated haws 如何制作冰糖葫芦”

Eating well in the age of COVID-19: making healthy meals at home 在疫情下健康饮食 (上):在家自给自足

Eating well in the age of COVID-19 making healthy meals at home (part 1) Introduction 介绍 While people spend most of the time quarantined at home, the team of the Unknown Times is starting this new series of “Eating Well in the Age of COVID-19”, publihsing articles that feature pictures of different cultural cuisines, dishes, and snacks. Continue reading “Eating well in the age of COVID-19: making healthy meals at home 在疫情下健康饮食 (上):在家自给自足”

“Feeding Note”——Rosemary Roasted Chicken Leg with Waterfall Mashed Potatoes and Peach Melaleuca recipe

​《喂食记》——迷迭香烤鸡腿配瀑布土豆泥、水蜜桃千层 By Celina Zhao 在我和Erica一起去欢乐谷后,我们便决定了周四她到我家来蹭饭,吃鸡腿,也算是为我的“素食”三天画上一个句号。(实际上这三天每天都吃了些肉)周四一大早就起来在吃了有“飞虫”加餐的燕麦牛奶后我开始构思着菜谱、准备食材。左等右等她都不发消息或者从睡梦中醒来,正午过几分后我开始制作今日《喂食记》午餐:迷迭香烤鸡腿配瀑布土豆泥。 After I went to Happy Valley with Erica, we decided that she would come to my house on Thursday to eat chicken drumsticks, which would be a stop for my three-day vegetarian journey. (In reality, though, I ate some meat every day for last three days). I got up earlyContinue reading ““Feeding Note”——Rosemary Roasted Chicken Leg with Waterfall Mashed Potatoes and Peach Melaleuca recipe”

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